Pure Nail Bar & Spa
Who doesn’t love to watch clean and adorable nails?
Pedicure is a smart choice for those who are looking for a solution to ease their painful legs, soften their feet, and clean their toenails. Modern life puts a burden on your feet. Your feet work tirelessly, day in and day out, ferrying you to where you need to go, usually without complaint. Dry skin, especially on the soles of the feet, is a problem that may require a daily application of moisturizer to prevent cracking and infection. The gradual depletion of collagen, exacerbated by the lack of consistent foot care, can lead to the formation of cracked heels and calluses. The aging process can affect your feet and ankles, causing changes in the toenails, so it’s best to schedule a proper pedicure routine at a nice nail salon in your living city. Here at our nail in Longview, TX 75605, our team of highly trained pedicurists understands many conditions that can interfere with the function of your feet, and we offer a wide range of healthy pedicure services to help bring you relief. Moreover, clients can ask for fresh toenail polish or simple toenail art after the pedicure.
Nail salon 75605 - Pure Nail Bar & Spa near me North Eastman Road, Longview Texas : Can you believe this stunning nail design was done by hand within just a hour ?
Pure Nail Bar & Spa
Add: 3052 N Eastman Rd #105, Longview, TX 75605
Phone : (903) 663-1166
